Tipper Of The Week: Adrian Vargas
This week we continue our latest feature on Tipping Point, spotlighting the biggest and best emerging acts from across the UK. Each Monday, we ask one of our esteemed tippers to select five of their hottest tips to be featured on the site throughout the week.
Next up we have Adrian Vargas, who is a 2017 Florida State University graduate where he focused on editing, writing, and media. He is now living in Seattle, Washington where he works as a Junior Editor and Staff Writer for Atwood Magazine, conducting interviews with artists and bands and continuously writing articles on the music he holds dear. He can also make a dang good plate of shrimp scampi.
Check out Adrian's tips below!


If there were any act ensuring the doo-wop genre was still cherished today, it’d be Trudy and the Romance. Modern rhythms coalesce with ‘50s inspired melodies to form dance hall anthems that one would be hard-pressed not to smile at. With their latest release, Sandman, the band saw to it to build upon their last few EPs through tighter productions and bolder sounds, and tracks like “The Original Doo-Wop Spacemen” showcase this growth beautifully. With a unique grit to the vocals and tracks that make it impossible not to sway to, Trudy and the Romance show that their talent and skills are unmatched. No band is quite like them right now, making them a stand-out in today’s music industry.

Singapore-born and now London-based electronic artist yeule grabs hold of modern sensibilities and the infatuation with technology to create otherworldly pieces of music. Her style is hard to pin; mixes of avant-garde and electronic pop melodies circulate through her tracks, often employing glitched-out synths that aid listeners in connecting to the world yeule has created. Her most recent singles, “Pretty Bones” and “Pixel Affection” showcase this style in a dream-like fashion. Her ethereal vocals allow the tracks to linger inside listeners’ mind well after the track has ended, and it’s nothing but bliss. Fans and listeners can expect to see more from yeule with the drop of her upcoming full-length album Serotonin II later this year.

Jazz is far from a dying genre, and The Comet is Coming is one example of that fact. Psychedelic trances, electronic rhythms, and jazz melodies meld together in a seamless a fashion making for soundscapes of unimaginable sincerity and beauty. Tracks like “Birth of a Creation” from their recent release Trust In the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery give off a subdued presence with saxophone gently making its way to listeners, only to have warbled synths enter the mix and alter the minds of those listening. This experience is almost universally shared through all of their tracks, and seeing them live will only yield a euphoria not found elsewhere. The Comet is Coming makes music to explore universes to, whether internal or external, and it does it with a gleam that outshines the rest. They truly are a band nonpareil.

The disbandment of Wild Beats left an aching feeling in the hearts of many fans, but frontman Hayden Thorpe wasn’t quite done yet. Stripped-back and filled with introspection Thorpe’s solo outing is one that explores new sounds with a whispered presence, but it’s this hushed approached that makes his debut, Diviner, so strong. The synths and electronics are replaced with delicate piano plucks and gentle rhythms that aim to incorporate the listener into the stories Thorpe is presenting. With tracks like “Love Crimes,” Thorpe takes hold of melancholic elements without it being overbearing, combining it with gorgeous harmonies in the foreground that exemplify the very best of what he has to offer. Although different, Wild Beats will surely find a home with Hayden Thorpe’s latest musical styling, and new fans will only continue to be amazed and astonished.

Infectiously sweet and filled with a jauntiness like no other, Far Caspian creates swirling bedroom-pop anthems that will have feet moving and heads bopping for months on end. With their latest EP, The Heights, the band experienced growth and maturity, reflecting in a gorgeous fashion on each track in it. There is an air of joy surrounding this EP, but their previous release, Between Days, saw a darker side to the band, exploring insecurities they had. But these two styles complement one another beautifully, each exploring rich synths soundscapes that fans can easily get lost to. Tracks like “A Dream of You” capture an emotive feeling that is then passed along the listener, creating the perfect anthem for late-nights and smile-inducing adventures. Their sound might be dreamy, but Far Caspian is not a band to sleep on.
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