‘Shoelaces’, the latest single from Liverpool’s self-styled ‘horrible pop quartet Shy Billy (formerly known as Lying Bstrds), is a lo-fi, psychedelic garage rock romp that will elicit a warm response from anyone with a love for 90’s alt-rock whilst still doing enough to sound fresh in 2017.
Big, bluesy riffs intertwine effortlessly with more ambient elements to create something quite compelling, and becomes even more so when you factor in Henry Pulp’s vocal which sits somewhere between monastic chant and Joel O’Keeffe’s (Airbourne) rock’n’roll drawl. Definitely one that gets better the more you listen.
Words by Steve Farkas
Tipped by Andy from The Von Pip Musical Express
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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