Introducing Our Business Experts: Sam Clegg – Highfly Ventures
Generator welcomes Sam Clegg of Highfly Ventures to our new Supply Chain North East Business Expert Panel. Read more about Sam and how he can benefit your business as part of our programme...

Sam Clegg is an advocate for innovation and entrepreneurship; helping SMEs and individuals to advance their business across the North-East and globally.
As a director of Highfly Ventures, Sam helps provide marketing and business support for start-up and scale-up businesses, and he is also an associate lecturer at Northumbria University where he supports on the innovative Entrepreneurial Business Management programme and NU Enterprise events.
Currently as part of a large European Research project (GETM3, Horizon 2020) Sam has experience of Korean, Polish, Slovenian and Irish markets, with a specific focus on changing policy to support entrepreneurial talent within businesses.
I moved to the North-East a decade ago to study Marketing and Management at Newcastle University and have been starting-up or supporting local businesses ever since.
Always having an entrepreneurial streak, I created my first business straight out of university, and experienced first-hand the highs and lows of running a small company. With an expertise in marketing (specifically online and digital) I now support start-up and scale-up businesses through my marketing agency Highfly; working with individuals and businesses from pre-start through to global £ multi-million turnover corporations.
For the last 3 years I have been an Associate Lecturer at Northumbria University – teaching sessions and modules on the MSc Entrepreneurship and BA Entrepreneurial Business Management programmes, and delivering workshops for NU Enterprise. Through the university I am also working on a £1m EU funded Horizon 2020 research project; Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 (GETM3) – which aims to contribute research, outcomes and policy to develop innovative processes to develop the next wave of workers into industry. The GETM3 project brings cross-cultural insight from Korea, Poland, Slovenia, Ireland and the UK, and I have growing understanding and activity in these markets.
I love working with dedicated individuals and companies who are looking to improve and grow their business. I can add significant value by helping companies ensure they have tested their market, understand their customer, and are marketing their product or services in the most effective way to maximise return on investment. I like to bring enthusiasm and insight to the table; aiming to get to the heart of the business and market, before innovatively exploring the best opportunities for improvement.
Areas of Expertise:
Market Research, Customer Insight, Digital Marketing, Web Design & Build, Web Solutions, Coaching & Development, Talent Management.
Sector Specialism:
Digital/Online, Software & Tech, Start-Ups, Manufacturing, Broadcast Media, Events.
LinkedIn: /in/samjamesclegg/
Twitter: @HighflySam
Instagram: /HighflySam
Interested in accessing fully funded business support from Sam or any of our other coaches? Contact Emma for more information.
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