Polo: An Exclusive Interview
Our next interview in the build up to Tipping Point Live, conducted by Maddy Fisher, is with Alternative/Future Pop trio Polo, discussing their musical style, career so far and hopes for the future.

Polo may originate from Leeds, but their music ,which draws sounds from multiple cultures and genres is worlds away. Describing their sound as ‘wibbly’, their biggest influences are from the Hip-Hop and RnB genres in today’s modern era of music. The influences don’t just stop there, they credit themselves on their broad taste, including electronic, afrobeat and pop music, which they try and collate into their sound.
Each member of Polo is fiercely committed and this and an “ubiquitous belief in what [they] do” is what drove them to advance their musical career to a professional level after forming seven years ago. The band started as a now extinct project which include Kat (Vocals) and Luke (Keys and Synthesisers) and a few years later, whilst based in Newcastle, Dan (Drums) joined the pair.
Over the years, Polo have had many highs, such as selling out a number of small venues on their first UK tour and receiving funding from PRS. When it comes to the lows, the hardest thing POLO have faced is the periods of inactivity all artists go through. But Polo doesn’t see this as an obstruction in their career:
“As a band, you have to come to expect periods of inactivity and to be as proactive as possible during these times. Don’t get down if things aren’t at a constant high.”
Polo have a unique writing process, and this reflects onto their uniquely creative tracks. “We often go to remote locations and bring a small studio setup and all the equipment.” There is no individual writer, the group prides themselves on their collective influences into each song, by writing their music together they bring about diverse tracks with tastes of each individuals lyrical and melodic styles.
Broadening their horizons is on the top of Polo’s list for the future. “A USA tour would be a treat, we’re picking up more European dates these days, which is super rewarding”
You can catch Polo at Tipping Point Live on Saturday 22ndJune at 11pm on the Cobalt Stage. Want some of their recommendations on who else to see? Their top picks are Martha Hill and Xaatu.
Written By Maddy Fisher
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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