Recruiting Graduate Talent Into Your Business
The University of Sunderland’s Graduate Internship Scheme can provide regional SME’s with a cost-effective approach to recruiting graduate talent for a 12 month period.

Part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the University’s Graduate Internship team work closely with organisations to ensure the recruitment process runs smoothly. The team can support role development, sourcing the graduate, the recruitment and selection process, as well as being a point of contact for the organisation.
The scheme will support 130 SME’s in total, one graduate internship per company. Following assessment by the Internships team, if eligible and accepted onto the scheme, the organisation will receive funding towards the graduate’s salary. The company will pay a minimum salary of £18,000 per annum to their successful graduate and the scheme will offer £375 a month in subsidy over a 9 month period towards the graduate’s salary totalling £3,375. The funding will be paid every third month upon receipt of the monthly financial evidence received from the organisation which totals three single payments of £1,125.
As the Graduate Internship Scheme is funded via ERDF, there is a rigorous process and compliance procedures which we have to follow in terms of the eligibility check and the recruitment process.
- Based in the NE LEP area
- Private sector
- Has received less than €200,000 in De Minimis funding in the last three years
- The company must have a trading arm or generate an income
- At the time of the organisation applying for the scheme, and at the point of the recruitment process, the graduate must not be an existing employee of the organisation
- Completion of the Registration Form to check eligibility
- Once confirmed, the company completes the Business Proposal Document outlining in detail the main skills and competencies of the role
- The team use the detail to write the advert and role profile, approved by the company
- The position is advertised via all university channels
- All applications are sent to the organisation to shortlist
- The team can arrange interviews and manage the recruitment process
- The successful candidate is offered the internship and completes the Equality and Diversity form
- The company completes the graduate’s contract and sends a copy to the team, along with a Financial Commitment Form confirming their bank details
- Copies of the graduate’s payslip and a bank statement are submitted to the University on a monthly basis
- Completion of additional forms including Product Review Form, the Employer Increase Form and the Jobs Created Form towards the end of the contract
For more information, contact:
Laura Foster – ERDF Enterprise and Internship Project Manager –
Lee Patrickson – ERDF Internship Development Officer –
David Phillips – Internships Operations Coordinator –
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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