Grants Up To £10k Available To Writers & Producers
The deadline of applications for PRS Foundation’s The Writer Producer Fund is fast approaching, closing on Tuesday 4th December at 6pm.

About The Fund
The Writer Producer Fund offers an opportunity for songwriters and writer-producers working in popular music genres to further develop their careers and writing/production credits with grants of up to £10,000.
The Writer Producer Fund is delivered by PRS Foundation – the UK’s leading charitable funder of new music and talent development across all genres – in association with the BASCA Trust. The BASCA Trust provides education and grants, and raises public awareness about songwriters and composers.
Previous winners of the fund include Nia V (pictured), Shirley T & MINA.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be:
- Songwriters (behind the scenes creators of new music who don’t also perform or produce), or
- Writer-producers (those working on production who contribute to the songwriting process and are acknowledged as writers), and
- UK based PRS for Music members (with a CAE number)
Applications can be made by songwriters/producers directly or by their representatives. Those who can apply on their behalf include;
- Co- writers (published and unpublished)
- Managers
- Music Publisher
- Lawyer
- Trusted advisor
In addition, the fund is available to songwriters/producer-writers who may also perform as a way of making money, or to those known as artists who want to forge careers as songwriters. Support will only cover development of careers as songwriters. Any music creators considering themselves as performing artists first and foremost will be signposted to other schemes (see below).
NOTES ON ELIGIBILITY: This application is not for writers and producers just starting out, demoing and developing. They are looking for writers and producers with successes in their writing careers and applicants must have a previous track record.
Applicants must have at least 3 commercially exploited works – this means a work that has been performed live, has received media coverage or radio play, and/or has been released via commercial channels. For those without evidence of commercially exploited works, we will ask you to name at least 5 credited works registered with PRS for Music.
Applicants must submit at least 3 works for consideration and advisors will listen to at least 2 submitted works.
What can be funded?
Activity supported is likely to cover a number of areas, which combined will support your career development. Activity can include;
- Time to create (Parameters to be discussed in steering group)
- Recording (Parameters to be discussed in steering group)
- Production fees
- Training/Skills courses at places such as Point Blank / SSE
- Creative/Professional development
- Mix fees
- Studio hire
- Purchase of equipment/software/hardware (covers up to 25% of costs)
- Tracking
- Musician fees
- Marketing and promotional costs related to songs/tracks reaching an audience
- PR Manager to help build their profiles as songwriters
- UK writing space rental / Lease
- Maternity leave and child care
- International activity that could build your profile and benefit your creative development – Please note if you are wishing to apply for funding to attend a conference please apply for our International Showcase Fund
Head to the PRS Foundation website to read guidance and FAQs.
The Writer Producer Fund offers an opportunity for songwriters and writer-producers working in popular music genres to further develop their careers and writing/production credits with grants of up to £10,000.
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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