Everybody’s Talkin’ at ERA and BPI
No doubt prompted by last week’s Tipping Point feature on smart speakers and machine learning, The BPI and ERA have announced details their latest joint Insight Session that will explore the growth of voice-activated speakers and their impact on the music industry.
The event, entitled “Everybody’s Talkin'” (I see what you did there) is curated by Music Ally, hosted by its CEO & Founder, Paul Brindley, and will feature presentations by Amazon Music and Futuresource alongside a panel discussion with representatives from 7digital and The Orchard.
The event will take place from 4-6pm on Tuesday March 20th at the BPI offices in County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road.
The session will consider how people are discovering and playing music on smart speakers, and what this is likely to mean for labels and streaming platforms. It will also explore how smart speakers and virtual assistants may impact music consumption and encourage more mainstream music consumers. Another topic will be how the technology can help shape marketing campaigns in future.
NPR and Edison Research shows that 16 per cent of Americans indicated they owned a smart speaker by the end of 2017, with over two thirds (70%) of these claiming they now listen to more music in the home as a result.
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