Last Train Home: On Track
Tipping Point & Tracks are pleased to present Last Train Home: On Track, a brand new music industry event for emerging artists.

Taking place at The Forum in Darlington, from 11am to 2pm, Saturday 7th September, LTH: On Track is a free music industry conference for both artists and music creators as part of Last Train Home Festival.
The event will give artists the opportunity to speak to a host of music professionals and gather advice on how to navigate the music industry and build a sustainable career.
The programme will open with roundtable sessions discussing all things music industry from touring and getting gigs, to record labels, music management, music press and getting played on the radio; followed by Claire Dupree, founder & editor-in-chief of the North East’s premier monthly music and culture publication NARC. Magazine, who will present a comprehensive guide to music press (including those big do’s and don’ts). Capping off the day, we’ll be hosting an A&R panel where artists and bands will be given the opportunity to have their music heard by the music industry professionals in attendance.
LTH: On Track is free to attend and for all ages. Click here to register to attend.
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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