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Digital Union Manifesto: Open Space Event

Last year’s Manifesto centred around actions and pledges that we made following a process of identifying, discussing and refining the issue you, our members brought to the table.

We found the most effective way of finding out what is grinding your gears is to have a full member Open Space event where you can feed into discussion on all the key issues affecting you as an individual business and as a wider North east sector so we can work on policies, campaigns and initiatives that will make us stronger individually and as whole.

So, we need to know what you want from Digital Union for the coming year. We have a group of dedicated members making up a DU Manifesto task group and the headings that have been suggested are Support programmes, Space / Infrastructure / community hubs (Do we need a replacement for Campus North?), Talent attraction, skills developments, access to finance and funding, as well as increasing our profile.

As an intro to the morning we will also provide an overview of where we are up to with last year’s manifesto and the initiatives we are about to launch.

We had over 100 members present last year which made both the event and the Manifesto itself a meaningful and ambitious document. We want to keep this momentum going and this is a great chance for you all to let us know how we can continue supporting the growth of the sector.

Schedule of Event

8.30am Arrival & Refreshments
9am Round Table discussions
12.30am Close

Register Here

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