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Maximising Your Potential As An Artist

An in-depth workshop helping you gain the skills and knowledge to harness the power of digital music channels and think as a business

Do you want to know to maximise digital music channels and demystify the process of self releasing as an artist?

Join us alongside industry experts as we discover how to utilise self release platforms, increase distribution reach and learn how to maximise vital DSP platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music.

The fantastic team at digital distribution platform Kycker will be joining us for our workshop to demystify the process of independently distributing your music. Hear from Frank Wilkes and Steve Harrison about how you can utilise Kycker to build your own music career, online, DIY style!

After our keynote speeches, we will offer round table discussions with our experts. Here you can gain direct feedback and coaching on how to break through the digital noise with your music, and utilise platforms to reach your target audience.

This event is funded by Digital Pathfinders. By registering for this event you will be registered for the Digital Pathfinders Programme and eligible for one-to-one support, future events and potential funding.

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