As an organisation Digital Union's prime aims are to unify, promote and campaign for the businesses we represent. As such, the document sets out an outline of what we see as the key issues we will take on for the next year. It is not a policy or strategy document for the North East tech sector, but rather a promise to our members in assisting them to overcome the challenges we have collectively identified.
The Manifesto and its 12-point plan is a mix of pledges, some of which are ongoing and some we will aim to achieve over the next 12 months.
To read the full Digital Union Manifesto 2018, download our PDF here.
As part of our Manifesto, we promised to make strides towards equality across the sector in the region. Since that was published, we have been running Digital Debates covering topics such as mental health and women in tech, which have been extremely well received.
We are now proud to announce our Diversity Charter, developed to help make us all more accountable for the businesses we run and where we want to take them – everyone knows that the more diverse the workforce, the better the workplace!
The #NEquality campaign is to ensure that we all make a pledge to strive for equality in all ways, shapes and forms.
We have made this pledge easy to execute and we hope you will add your signature to drive the campaign forward.
The process is a simple one:
Upload your pics to social #NEquality
Tag us @digiunion
We would like to measure the ongoing success of this campaign with an annual survey and would appreciate if you can complete the baseline information for us here.
In addition, we have produced a Code of Conduct for our events that Digital Union members are welcome to use for their own events.
This would not have been possible without the help of fellow member, Oculus HR – Thank you!
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