Enigma Targets Growth Despite Covid Challenges
Digital development agency Enigma Interactive is recruiting to expand capacity to work with ambitious clients.
There’s no denying that the last few months have been a stressful and even dark time for many. A global pandemic, governments around the world imposing lockdowns with people not being able to see loved ones, businesses furloughing staff and economies being predicted to grind to a halt.
In amongst all this gloom, you’d be forgiven for expecting that businesses might just be battening down the hatches and preparing for the worst. Thankfully though, there are still many out there striving to turn negatives into positives and charting a more positive way through the situation.
Newcastle Based Digital Development Agency Enigma Interactive is one company that’s working with its clients to help look for opportunities in amongst all those challenges. With a UK wide client base that includes companies that are part of the national critical infrastructure and delivering key services such as healthcare, it needs to continue to deliver work to support their digital offerings no matter what.
Utilities clients like Western Power Distribution keep the lights on for 7.8 million people across the South West, South Wales and the Midlands. They need to continue to provide services to their customers, and the challenges lockdown has imposed has put an even greater emphasis on being able to deliver these via digital channels. Enigma also work with Superdrug developing their online pharmacy platform which has had to rapidly adapt to accommodate a huge increase in adoption and usage rates now that customers are finding it more difficult to access physical branches.
But it’s not only those organisations that have to respond to changes in demand due to Covid. Ironically, some of the most ambitious initiatives are coming from smaller businesses who would normally be busy, but due to lockdown are now very quiet. The leaders of these businesses are taking advantage of this rare headspace, to think about ideas and invest in their digital presence so that when the world returns to normal they can emerge ahead of the pack.
Enigma’s Managing Director Steve Grainger said “We are lucky to work with a wide variety of ambitious clients, and it’s been hugely energising to see the entrepreneurial way in which so many of these are actively looking to turn challenges into opportunities. Some are looking at how they can pivot their business to take advantage of digital in new and innovate ways. Others who have previously been so busy day to day that they haven’t been able to spend the time they’d like
investing in the future are now taking the time to strengthen and grow their digital offering so that they’re ahead of the competition when things return to normal.”
Enigma’s approach and the positivity of its clients certainly seems to be working as despite COVID-19 the company is looking to expand. Currently it has a team of 40 and is looking to supplement this with talented, passionate, individuals across all disciplines but with a particular emphasis on developers who enjoy the challenge of working on or leading the development of great digital projects.
Steve continues “Whilst there are undoubtedly many challenges ahead for businesses – there are also exciting opportunities too and it’s refreshing to see just how adversity is becoming the catalyst for so many great ideas. Our current team have been magnificent, and have stepped up to every challenge and opportunity our clients have thrown and them. It’s that sense of positivity and ‘can do’ enthusiasm that we’ll be looking for in anyone new wanting to join us”
If you’re interested in working for an agency that was recently named in a list of Top digital agencies and regularly features in lists of the UK’s best agencies for the work it produces for its clients then visit the Join our team section of their website.
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