Generator CEO and Head of Digital Union Jim Mawdsley Wins Outstanding Achievement Award at Dynamites 19
We're thrilled to announce that our CEO Jim Mawdsley won the 'Outstanding Achievement' Award (sponsored by Gateshead College) at Dynamites 19 - the North East's IT and Technology Awards.
Jim was highly commended by Karen Marshall, one of the judges on the panel.
“With so much talent in the region, you can only imagine the sheer number of considerations for this category. Part of Dynamo’s founding principles have been to celebrate the amazing activity across the North East in the fields of IT, computing, software, building, telecoms, digital, web, mobile…we are constantly amazed by discovering initiatives that are using local talent and making international waves.”
“Once again, the judges had a very hard job deciding on the winner. A special commendation goes to Karen Marshall, who has made a huge and long-term impact within her field. Our winner of the Outstanding Achievement award is Jim Mawdsley, who had been working hard over several years to grow the North East’s tech and digital scene, and has put the region’s sector on the map by helping with investment and bridging the skills gap. His work promotes collaboration, not competition.”
“By working with task groups made up of high-profile and emerging businesses – and Dynamo – Jim is extremely well-versed on what the region’s tech businesses need. He recently steered a key sector collaborative report, working with many partners across the region including Dynamo, to position the North East as a true global player for innovation.”
“He is a true credit to the North East and our digital sector.”
(Credit: The Journal, Thursday October 24th 2019, Page 15)
Jim later tweeted after receiving the award:
“Still absolutely bowled over by winning the outstanding achievement award at this year’s Dynamo North East’s Dynamites 19 Awards. Thanks to all the team at Digital Union and Generator!”
“Just also say they there is no way I would have won this without team Generator! Everyone who has worked in the last few years in our music and digital efforts deserves a huge thanks in all of this. I’m so proud of our team. Go Generator!”
Read more about Dynamites 19 here.
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