Merry Christmas From Digital Union
Our CEO, Jim Mawdsley, looks back on 2019 and ahead to the new year!
It’s been a really strong year for Digital Union with much to point to as key successes.
The task groups, particularly in the area of Talent and Skills, are really coming together and working on some deliverable projects that will help you as members increase opportunities to develop talent. Our relationships with our educational partners, including universities and colleges, are stronger as a result.
This year saw the release of the first One Region, One Sector, One Statement which Digital Union lead on. The reception in the sector for this document was overwhelming. By engaging key organisations representing the sector in the North East, it has become something that we can build on to demonstrate the breadth and strength of Digital in the region.
With the entirety of the region in mind, we have recently established a Teesside arm of Digital Union and began with 15 leading businesses in Middlesbrough joining. It is early days but we are confident that this will only grow and add weight to the growing membership in the North.
We saw the NELEP produce a Digital Strategy, guided by an advisory group which I sat on representing you. In a similar way, the newly formed North of Tyne Combined Authority set up a group to outline priorities for the sector, and again we had a seat at the table. Digital Union certainly exerted its influence this year and cemented its position as a leading organisation in the region’s sector.
Finally, and probably the cherry on the cake for me, we had the Creative Digital Design Professional Degree Apprenticeship ratified. This was a culmination of 3 years of hard work and many contributions from members on the way to get us there. We look forward to seeing this being delivered nationally knowing that it is a product of true member collaboration.
In terms of plans for the future, well I’ll leave that for early next year. Its time for a break, put our feet up and stuff ourselves with Christmas cheer.
All the best for Christmas and the New Year.
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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