NME Makes Pledge To Emerging Talent
PledgeMusic has announced a new alliance with the now exclusively online NME. The direct-to-fan and pre-order platform will partner with NME Emerging, the service launched by NME to support grassroots talent.
As a result of the partnership, NME Emerging artists will be encouraged to build their own campaigns with Pledge, and promote themselves to its community, while artists already utilising PledgeMusic will be able to push their projects to the NME audience.
PledgeMusic’s Malcolm Dunbar said: “NME has a rich history of supporting unsigned and independent talent and the PledgeMusic model of rights-free funding is perfectly aligned with that. All of us at PledgeMusic very much look forward to working with the NME team on the project”.
NME Digital Director Keith Walker added: “Working with PledgeMusic is a natural fit for the NME. It benefits fans and artists by introducing a new way to bring them together on NME Emerging”.
A timely reminder that the NME brand lives on in the digital space following the widespread eulogising that followed the print magazine’s closure.
NME has a rich history of supporting unsigned and independent talent and the PledgeMusic model of rights-free funding is perfectly aligned with that. All of us at PledgeMusic very much look forward to working with the NME team on the project.
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