A new blog post from DU Member Digital Business Coach.
Few of us could imagine the speed at which our lives have changed in a matter of days. The PM issued a hopeful comment yesterday saying that this thing can be beaten in 12 weeks if we all follow the advice given. Looking around, it is clear not all are following this advice.
Like you I have read the conspiracy theories which abound, largely on social media. Some are amusing, some crazy but a few have caused me to think.
I do agree with those who say our planet will certainly benefit from dramatically reduced air travel, car exhaust fumes [people will too of course] less buying meaning less waste disposal and so on. I saw someone quote Nostradamus this morning – a particularly unnerving prediction from 1515!
What I want to comment on is this; aside from the ignorant morons, panic buying in our supermarkets, there have been some wonderful stories of communities uniting together. Offers of help to those who most need it. Business owners offering their services free of charge during the “lock down”. The organising of online events to replace the many cancelled networking and other business events.
I hope that the Government will deliver a package of financial support such that we can all focus on staying and/or getting well. The down time for many will mean family time, some families getting to know each other for the first time in a long time.
Someone on Radio 2 commented that, imagine if this had happened 25 years ago. No Face Time or Skype; no streaming of our favourite TV shows, no online shopping.
It really could be a lot worse.
My hope is that, at the end of this, a country [hopefully the whole world] will have pressed the re-boot button. Where we all realise just what is truly important. How our lifestyle dictates how much time we may have in this life. Life which is a gift and certainly not a rehearsal.
No business message this morning. Just a communication from a fellow citizen. A message of goodwill, wishing you and yours good health and less stress.
There is comfort in a situation where, we are truly all in this together.
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