Virtual ‘Walk and Talk’ Challenge Raises Money to Help Feed Local People in Need
Staff from one of the region’s leading further education colleges have completed 1,543 virtual miles to raise funds for Gateshead Foodbank.
Around 75 Gateshead College employees took part in a virtual ‘walk and talk’ this year instead of their usual college campus walkathon where they cover the 20 mile or eight-mile trek together. The challenge takes place each year to raise awareness around mental health – something which is also vital during the current pandemic crisis.
Due to social distancing rules, staff members walked, ran or cycled their favourite routes near their homes, sharing photos, videos and connecting online along the way.
Steven White, an IT technician at the college who organised the event, said: “Mental health is a big focus at the college and I’m part of a working group that puts in place wellbeing support and initiatives. I came up with the idea of the walk last year and initially thought we’d have to cancel this year’s event when the virus meant we couldn’t get together.
“Taking the event ‘virtual’ has actually been really exciting as people have shared some great photos and videos while completing the challenge and it’s created a sense of community and togetherness despite us being apart. It’s been a great team effort.
“Right now, everyone needs all the support they can get especially the vulnerable and we’re grateful for the amount we’ve raised that’s been donated to Gateshead Foodbank to help feed local families during such tough times.”
In total, the ‘walk and talk’ team completed exactly 1,543 miles, sharing virtual conversations throughout their journey in locations across the North East which also saw partners, children and dogs get involved too. They have raised more than £1,400 for Gateshead Foodbank.
To make a donation and help feed those in our local community, please visit:
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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