AIF Announces Awards
The Association of Independent Festivals (AIF) has unveiled details of the first-ever Festival Congress Awards Ceremony.
The ceremony takes place on Friday October 17th, at the Portland House venue, Cardiff as part of the wider Festival Congress conference event. Categories include the Mind-Blowing Spectacle Award, New Festival on the Block and the Emmet Brown Award for best use of technology at a festival.
Claire O’Neill, Senior Manager of the AIF, said: “It’s been a moving experience to witness organisers of some of the best festivals around highlighting what they love about other festivals, the most impressive things they’ve seen, their favourite moments, and the people that they hold in high esteem for giving an incredible contribution in one way or another. These awards are a reflection of the respect and appreciation felt amongst the festival community”.
In addition, there will be showcase performances from emerging Welsh artists Baby Queens and Gabrielle Murphy in association with BBC Horizons.
Ben Challis will host the ceremony, with an introduction from Radio One’s Huw Stephens and Bethan Elfyn (BBC Radio Wales).
Tickets for the awards event have already sold out but tickets for the conference are still on-sale and you can find out more here.
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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