Songs can be hard to explain. It’s a difficult thing to express what a song really is; what its essence is. However, Caro’s new single, ‘Cold Comfort’, is easily personified.
I imagine this song as a laid back dude who introduces himself to you on the beaches of Hawaii. At first, he seems chill, as ‘Cold Comfort’’s opening is incredibly chilled out. Then the song picks up, slowly, as you get to know this stranger more and more until the hard rock side of his personality kicks in and the melodic, cacophonous sound whisks you away on a perilous adventure.
The song is full of this: soft relaxing moments, followed up by explosions of excitement. Listen to it more carefully, though, and you begin to realise the juxtaposition between sound and lyrics. “I never thought I wouldn’t have enough” and “a cold comfort’s better than a scolding hot truth” reveal that this track is about more than just sounding cool; it’s also an airing of a grievance.
The best thing about Caro’s ‘Cold Comfort’, however, is that it makes you want more. Any track which leaves the listener gasping for more must be a good thing, right? Give ‘Cold Comfort’ a listen and you’ll see I’m not wrong.
Words by Ben Bowes
Tipped by Andy Von Pip, Ray Thomas, Shell Zenner & Halina Rifai
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