Celebrating Women in Digital and Tech: Jennifer Freeman, Founder of Be Found Be Chosen
We're thrilled to kick off the start of our 'Celebrating Women in Digital and Tech' campaign with a feature from Founder and Agency Director of media agency Be Found Be Chosen, Jennifer Freeman.
“We are a retail-centric biddable media agency, specialising in e-commerce campaigns online and optimising data feeds for shopping. We work with a range of e-commerce retailers across the UK and Europe to deliver sustainable growth and revenues online from paid search as well as SEO.
I’m not a standard women’s drum banger. I don’t personally see the gender barriers that others do in the UK. I think we all have the same choices and it’s what you choose to do with them that counts. I have a feeling I am not going to be the typical contributor!!! and I might get some backlash for my opinions, but that’s all they are and they won’t kill anyone :)”
1. In your opinion, what are some of the biggest challenges women who want to explore a career path in tech and digital face?
In my humble opinion, there are no barriers for women in any career. I don’t see that the challenges are gender-based but I personally see a (perhaps natural) bias towards creative. I run a biddable media agency and I’m the only female in an office full of men. We share in common a passion for the psychology of audiences and problem solving with data. There aren’t any special skill sets which are more attributable to either gender. I can see why a career in digital might not appeal to either sex – it’s a lifelong commitment to learning. In an industry which is evolving on a daily basis, you need to be passionate about data and problem solving and be a self-starter when it comes to education – nobody’s going to sit down and teach you; there’s simply too much to know. But there are no barriers or challenges which are unique to women.
2. What do you think needs to be done to attract more women to work in tech and digital?
I don’t know that we need to fill in staff from a particular gender. The job is best filled by people who have a passion for data and psychology. That’s not gender-based, it’s a personal passion. Additionally, if you don’t feel passionate, then you won’t have the discipline you need to self-educate to keep up and that will keep you in a low paid job in digital. There are no barriers for any person of any gender to research jobs online and choose a career that’s right for them. If you want to choose a career in digital – just do it!
3. What would your message be to women and girls looking to pursue a career in tech and digital?
Same as it would be for men! Get on with it then! My only message is ‘Do you love it?’ that’s the part that makes the difference between having a job you’ll succeed and progress in. I welcome all applicants regardless of their background if they love it!
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