Creative Industries Fed: Brexit Report
The Creative Industries Federation has published its Brexit report stating that the UK should retain tariff free access to the EU market and continue to provide easy access to skills and talent from EU and non-EU countries.
Highlighting the importance of the creative industries to the UK’s economy, the report said: “Creative exports including books, film, television and film, from Adele to Harry Potter and Downton Abbey to Sherlock, are the UK’s calling card to the world. They are valuable in their own right, but also promote the broader trading interests of UK plc as a symbol of the country’s imagination, innovation and diversity”.
The report suggested that talent and skills are “fundamental” to the UK’s creative success and that “It is vital we continue to cultivate our talent as well as to attract the brightest around the world”.
It stressed the importance of maintaining the strength of the intellectual property regime in the UK and said the Government should make the strong protection of IP rights a red line in future bilateral trade agreements.
It also warned against restricting freedom of movement and said the Government should confirm “as a matter of priority” that EU nationals currently working in the UK will be able to remain.
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