Fifty years ago, an idyllic Snowdonia village was flooded to provide Liverpool with water. This forced seventy people to leave their homes as Capel Celyn disappeared under the waters of the new Tryweryn reservoir. ‘We Can Swim‘ focuses on a pair of lovers separated by rising waters – doomed teen love in the flooded village of Dryweryn.
Deep and mysterious, the opening bars of this track genuinely sound like they could swallow you whole. Combining dark and driven synths with gaspy and airy vocals, the music provides a perfectly moody backdrop to the tragic story which it centres on.
The verses are wonderfully constructed; patiently built piece-by-piece. The addition of the back-beat and some vocal harmonies give the feeling that it is constantly switching up a gear; constantly gathering momentum. This all but prepares you for the almost totally unexpected groove and funk stylings of the chorus. Every twist and turn breathes new life into the track.
Lyrically brilliant. Cinematic and haunting. Funky and cool. ‘We Can Swim’ is a competent and confident piece of electro-pop from Welsh duo ‘Face + Heel‘. Their debut album ‘Our Prince’s Quarry’ is out now.
Words by George Rowan
Tipped by Ray Thomas
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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