Family Friends are an Australian and British, brother-sister led five-piece who have a penchant for old school equipment and recording. Their first single ‘On Your Mind’ is a raw and hazy ode to retro psychedelic and grunge.
It has an Americanised almost country style guitar that progresses with much more technicality, and builds up the dreamy and surprisingly catchy chorus.
The other hints of organ and percussion give it a brilliantly layered effect, there’s something else you notice after every listen. It’s vocally strong and dazed throughout, managing to sound passionate and effortless at the same time.
The siblings in the band originally hail from Australia and the amalgamation of both the UK and Aus has given them a much more interesting vibe than a lot of bands following the psychedelic revival.
Family Friends clearly have many influences but have managed to throw them together and create something structured and catchy that makes you want to listen more than once.
Words by Tilly Dowman
Tipped by Rob Platts from Junk City
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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