No New ERA for Retail?
Forget about the return of Twin Peaks– this week’s real nail biting cliffhanger is whether or not the global recorded music industry will shift to the simultaneous release day of Friday.
The Entertainment Retailer’s Association (ERA) has warned that the move would result in extra costs and logistical issues for digital and physical retailers. As previously reported, the general consensus emerging within the recorded industry is that Friday is the way forward for global releases from 2015.
A statement from the trade body said: “ERA believes there are strong arguments in favour of adopting a Global Release Date. However, it is incumbent on those proposing the change to make a robust assessment of the costs and benefits of choosing any particular day of the week. Unfortunately those promoting this plan are giving the impression that they are set on selecting Friday regardless of any evidence”.
It continues: “A Friday release date will undoubtedly cause logistical problems and additional costs for both digital and physical retailers. The current UK Monday release day allows for restocking and correction of metadata issues well ahead of the busy weekend period, something a Friday release day would not allow”.
ERA also pointed out that consumer research suggests that music fans in the UK at least prefer a Monday release date and that if the change goes ahead, the video industry has no plans to change its release date, meaning that retailers would need to handle two release dates. The Gen thinks that the last point makes retailers sound a bit like they are terrified of change, locked away in basement rooms surrounded by dusty vinyl and VHS tapes- which of course we all know is only the case in Camden Town.
Elsewhere, Billboard reports that there remains some disharmony as to what the best day of the week would be, with US indie retail and indie label groups preferring Monday or Tuesday, whilst the IFPI and the majors want to steam ahead to Friday and Craig David wants to chill on Sunday.
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