Up and coming band UK act Proserpine combine a unique twist with their mellow electronica, working with local artists and musicians around the country. ‘Forget Sun’ is gentle yet eerie, with the haunting vocals of James Blake and simple yet magnetising instrumentals of Bonobo.
The soft build-up of vocals floats above the equally as smooth synth and guitar chords, with an almost choir-like symphony of bridges throughout the track. As the song gradually builds in volume and levels of vocals, chords and electronics it just as gradually slows back down, leaving the same mysteriousness and haunting as the vocals.
Proserpine’s choice to collaborate with local artists’ paintings alongside their music, written from across different cities, exudes innovation through their mellow electronica tracks, bringing a new meaning to music and art.
Words by Rebecca Jackson
Tipped by Sam Bonham
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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