At a time when everything seems to be falling apart, there’s something undeniably comforting in those softer sounds. Luckily, today’s tip is Rosie Carney, an artist who offers up the type of blissful tones you need to get your head in order.
Much like her more established Irish counterpart SOAK, Carney makes music with heavy heart, surrounded by beautifully palpable soundscapes. ‘Better Man’ is the 19-year-old folkstress’ latest track and is decorated with a soothing earthliness that could send a shiver down the most hardened of individuals’ spines.
Delicate, emotive vocals and lightly strummed acoustic guitar form the tranquil first half of the track, before gliding violins swoop down in an orchestral flood of warming ambience. This unprecedented moment defines ‘Better Man’ as much more than a simple folk-ballad and exemplifies Carney’s potential as a bright young songwriter with a lot more up her sleeve.
Words by Nad Khan
Tipped by Jeremy Lloyd, Mark Gordon and Stevie McMinn from Akira Records
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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