It’s been a busy summer for SAM AIREY, playing Indiefjord festival in Norway last week, Bluedot Festival before that, support slots with Tom Williams and most notably, at the end of May Sam released ‘In Darkened Rooms‘, his long-awaited and highly praised album.
The record release was preceded by two singles, the ethereal ‘Lacuna’ (which was written as a response to watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) and the surprisingly upbeat ‘Epitaph’. The latter is unlike most tracks on the record in tempo and is reminiscent of songs from Frightened Rabbit’s The Winter of Mixed Drinks whilst maintaining the charm and originality of Sam’s own sound. Epitaph has featured on both Steve Lamacq and Lauren Laverne’s 6music shows and it goes to highlight the range of Airey’s capabilities as an artist. The ability to silence a room and have an audience focused on him is one thing but to be able to go from that to having a crowd singing along immediately after is remarkable. It’s a skill that Sam has honed through his years of performing.
I was fortunate enough to see the album launch show at Brudenell Social Club in May and whilst the familial nature of the Leeds music scene helped to provide a great atmosphere that night, it is a testament to the quality of the writing, and of Sam himself, that these songs can be played away from that supportive community in different cities or countries and garner the same reaction.
You can stay up to date with Sam through his Facebook and Twitter page. you can purchase In Darkened Rooms via Hide and Seek records.
Words and Tip by Cal Kilpatrick
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