Startup Secures Major Contract With Northumbria Police
A startup company established to revolutionise the corporate training sector has won a major contract with Northumbria Police to create its new diversity and inclusion programme.

Following a rigorous procurement process, SUB 10 has been appointed by Northumbria Police, one of the biggest police forces in the country, to bring its unique approach to training to more than 5,000 officers, staff and volunteers.
The business, established less than two years ago, will now work alongside Northumbria Police’s Inclusion team to develop engaging bitesize modules, which will help the force deliver training in a more accessible and technology-driven way than ever before.
SUB 10, based at PROTO in Gateshead, will deliver an initial three modules, which will then become mandatory training for the whole workforce at Northumbria Police and will form part of their continued annual development.
The appointment by Northumbria Police marks the latest major client win for SUB 10, founded by Peter Stephenson and Angela Ross, after winning multiple contracts from technology giant Sage to provide training to its 13,000-strong global team. It has recently been shortlisted twice in the inter-national Learning Technologies Awards 2020 in recognition of the success of its partnership.
The SUB 10 model is seeing increasing numbers of businesses moving away from traditional training, through seminars or webinars, and towards its creation of training units – underpinned with learning methodologies and proven neuroscience to support how people learn – of ten minutes or less, which are offered in accessible multi-modal formats including games, quizzes and interactive videos.
Di Keller, Diversity and Inclusion lead at Northumbria Police, said: “While ourselves and a lot of forces use e-learning, our work with SUB 10 takes it to another level, and we are now able to provide training in a more agile way than ever before. These are short, intense learning modules which have proven learning benefits, enabling people to build knowledge and continue their learning even when the current pandemic is making it difficult for us to be in a classroom environment.
“There are significant demands on our workforce at present, particularly amidst the COVID-19 pan-demic, and alongside the operational training we deliver to our officers, our focus on diversity and inclusion remains a priority and, we will always look at ways in which we can continue to deliver this. Our diversity and inclusion training will be created in short, digestible modules, which can also provide all of the analysis and insight of face-to-face training and is personalised and relevant to our organisation. We are delighted to work with SUB 10 to achieve this.”
Peter Stephenson said: “We created SUB 10 to meet the needs of an organisation such as Northumbria Police, where traditional training was taking up huge amounts of time and a more accessible alternative was badly needed. Through redefining the way the force’s diversity and inclusion training is delivered, we will be able to make the messages as memorable as ever, while relieving some of the major time pressure on the frontline to achieve this.
“This is a hugely exciting project for us to work on and we are delighted to be appointed. We look forward to working with Di and the team to deliver relevant, engaging training, to support Northumbria Police’s workforce in the incredibly important field of diversity and inclusion.”
Lucy Carlin, senior associate at Sintons and one of the region’s leading specialist tech lawyers, is the long-standing advisor to SUB 10.
“By adding Northumbria Police to its list of clients, SUB 10 is now working with two of the region’s most recognisable organisations, having so recently built its relationship with Sage even further.
That is a phenomenal achievement within its first two years of business and is evidence of how important the introduction of a more accessible form of corporate training has been. We look forward to continuing to support Peter and Angela in the growth of their business,” added Lucy
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