We’re back with our artist insight feature ‘NE Hot Seat’ – where we sit down with some of the North East’s brightest talent on a monthly basis, shine a spotlight on their latest work and find out what they have planned next.
Next up we have Newcastle based future-folk artist Me Lost Me. Me Lost Me (aka Jayne Dent) has just announced a new limited 7” lathe-cut release with Darlington-based label Butterfly Effect. The physical release is part of the label’s Singles Club, and features new tracks ‘Seedlings’ and ‘Daydreaming’, which will also be released digitally on the 31st of October 2022. Every copy comes with a small one-of-a-kind ink drawing by Jayne, each of a different imaginary seed. Check out our chat with Jayne below!
Tell us about the Me Lost Me project so far.
I see Me Lost Me as a sort of ongoing songwriting experiment! In 2017 I started moving the sound art work I was making from galleries into gig venues and bringing in elements of folk music, which is the music I grew up on. I always loved singing and the electronics gave me this amazing creative freedom I never felt when I tried other instruments, I got totally hooked. Since then, I’ve had two albums, a handful of EPs and been touring a fair bit! It feels like I’ve developed and learned so much since the project began, which has been the most amazing thing. In the last couple of years, I’ve started working with other musicians too, those collaborations have been so rewarding, and it does so much for the music.
Your music draws influence from all corners of musical genres, is there any inspiration behind this?
It always seemed a natural thing to do. Most of the time it just comes out that way in the improvising and writing process, everything I love feeds into my music. I love all kinds of music for different reasons – sometimes you want a mosh, sometimes you want to be soothed, sometimes you want to be told a story. as a listener I think combining genres does magical things too, I love being surprised by music, when you just settle into a track and then it throws something so unexpected at you – it’s my absolute favourite thing! And playing with genres is a great way to do that.
What can we expect from your forthcoming release?
We’ve just finished recording the next album which will be out next year, and I can’t wait to share it! You can expect songs about video games, the weather, fights, gardens, real and digital landscapes. It’s the most ambitious I’ve been so far in terms of arrangement – there’s clarinet, double bass, flute, harp and violin, plus a whole bunch of other vocalists! Despite the bigger production it feels like a very intimate album for me (whether that translates to listeners or not I don’t know!), I’ve put more of myself in there than I’ve allowed before, I think, there’s a lot of honesty in it.
What’s next for Me Lost Me?
At the end of October, I’m releasing a 7″ with the Darlington based label Butterfly Effect for their singles club, which is exciting! Then it’s all about preparing for the album release next year and touring. I’m also feeling good about writing at the moment too, so there’s already new music in the works.
Where can we find you on social media to keep up to date with you?
I’m @melostme on Instagram and Twitter, and
Check out Me Lost Me’s picks of 10 tracks from their favourite North East acts below!
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