Visually, Cas pretty much goes straight for the jugular as far as horrorcore is concerned. His tales of drug-induced and violent sexual abuse are usually accompanied by an equally abhorrent set of visuals. However, to gloss over Cas’ music as attention-grabbing is to miss the point. Musically, ‘Seein’ Double’ takes elements of genres that are inherently British (Grime, Dubstep and Drum & Bass), and combines them into a beat that is dark enough to match Cas’ gritty lyrical content and general aesthetic, which is a feat in itself.
On the mic, Cas’ flow could be compared to that of Giggs in his relaxed, assertive delivery – he’s just a little darker! With tracks like ‘Seein’ Double’ and ‘Charlotte’, Cas creates a world that you just can’t help but engage with, think ‘Ill Manors’, but with added occult overtones.
Words by Lewis Lister
Tipped by Grant Brydon
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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