“This is Jekyll and Hyde. Have you ever had a war with your mind? It’s like I’m two men.”
As Grime re-emerges from its latest existential crisis, Dave (aka Santan Dave) is a 19 year old MC fighting to reconcile his own multi-faceted identity with an urban environment that is as harsh as it is truthful. If he can change the game while he’s at it, all the better.
Following his powerful SBTV Warm Up Session, which triggered an explosion of attention, Dave’s new track JKYL+HYD draws from the rawness of his story up to now, a stark reflection of past, present and future interwoven with the hopes and fears of a nineteen year old from South London. Where Dave stands out from comparable artists is in the sheer ‘realness’ of his rhymes, their deeply personal honesty and clarity.
“Who do you follow when your time feels borrowed and your idol’s gone astray?”
JKYL+HYD is the sound of an artist standing on the precipice of his future, turning around to look at what got him there.
Words by Calum Howard from Grey Tapes
Tip by Paul Gibbins
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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