Denai Moore was 17 when Bon Iver inspired her to pick up a guitar. Now, just two years later – at the tender age of 19 – she’s released her debut EP, supported Iron & Wine and can count Plan B and Tom Odell among her blossoming fan base, all thanks to her intriguing soulful folk, wrapped up in complex harmonies. Canny achievement.
‘Wolves’, the latest track to be lifted from her debut 4 track EP – Saudade, is a haunting blend of sort-of-but-not-quite-folk and soul, with a little bit of blues chucked in for good measure.
It begins modestly enough, with a simple acoustic line accompanied only by Denai’s lush vocal. It’s the gripping nocturnal soul in those vocals that really dominates throughout; centre stage even as the song takes its brooding, near sinister, twists and turns. There’s a raw fragility to her voice too, helping give extra weight to her lyrics that beg to grasp on to fleeting moments, wanting time to stand still, only for pesky life to get in the way and spoilt it all.
You can imagine her bewitching voice, so raw and powerful, captivating an entire room of people, leaving them opened mouthed and begging to live in that moment forever.
Words by George Shaw
Tipped by Bob Allan
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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