Following in a similar vein to previous Tipping Point favourites Fun Adults, our current band of the moment, Febueder, have made it abundantly obvious that they aren’t afraid to experiment with their sound. Composed as a three piece, and hailing from Ascot, Febueder have already gained plaudits, and the all important airtime, from the likes of Lauren Laverne and Giles Peterson. In addition, the release of their debut single, in which ‘Alligator’ is included, has been met with critical acclaim amongst tastemakers and blogs.
Formalities out of the way, a more in depth look into ‘Alligator’ presents the listener with a conundrum as much as a piece of music. Rather fittingly, the band has included a brief instructional guide on their Facebook, which states, ‘This how you can try to pronounce our name: Bermuda with an F. As in Bermuda Triangle. Febueder’. I believe this is fitting as while one can only try to pronounce the band’s name, one is only able to try to categorize the music of Febueder, and I suspect most will fail in this endeavor. With a striking, soulful vein, ‘Alligator’ is a finely crafted piece of music that is built upon juttering percussion, moments of vocal reflection, and a driving guitar line.
Expect plenty more to come from what is surely Ascot’s most exciting export to date.
Words by Ben Blackburn
Tipped by Joe Sparrow from A New Band A Day
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