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There must be a salty tang in the air, as this week’s tip from Flor continues the recent nautical theme. ‘Ocean’ starts with minimalist synth stabs, a big bass drum-laden bone-dry mid-tempo beat and some deep, deep bass.

Flor’s soft, crooning, high-pitched vocal comes across as Michael Jackson on Xanax (which, for all I know, he was).

There’s tension between the jewelled embellishments of muted, plucked guitar and the bass which can’t decide whether it’s a drum or synth, and gets to show off in the middle eight with a subwoofer-testing demonstration of intent before the groove kicks off again.

Here, Flor adds another cut to the blissed-out pop genre, which is alright by me, if anyone’s asking. ‘Please stay around me’, he pleads in his last sentence – anyone looking for another track to add to their after-hours playlist would do well to do heed his words.

Words by Martin Sharman

Tipped by Elena Jimenez from Popped Music

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