Fours are a guitar based indie-pop band based in Shepherd’s Bush, London, and unsurprisingly, to those who can pick up on subtle hints, there are four members. Starting out with Edith Violet and Dan Smith, vocals and guitar respectively, they were later joined by Jezza Wells and Luke Jefferies and they’ve gone on to develop their sound from there.
The track brings a heavy 80s guitar pop sound as the guitars and drums shift and chop with a funky edge throughout. Layered on top of this are some extremely powerful, Florence Welch-esque vocals that belt out attitude and soar high for the full run of the song.
‘Leave Me’ is a track that comes from the groups new E.P, and it’s a song that’s been generating quite a bit of hype online and has been listed on a couple of Apple Music Playlists.
Words by Rich Anderson
Tipped by Elena Jiminez from Popped Music
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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