Jungle Doctors, a band who formed in 2011 during school lunch breaks, have crafted a sound which is instantly jovial and already feels very polished. The Sea And The Rain is their new single, available now for free download.
The band’s brand of indie rock music has a pop sheen as blinding as Two Door Cinema Club and Circa Waves. The song tells the familiar story of heartbreak, but in a manner closer to older bands like The Wannadies or The Coral.
Aside from our tip today, the band has other tracks you can listen to and even pick up for free on their social media sites. They’ve been playing mainly London dates so far, but with music as immediate as The Sea And The Rain, it’s only a matter of time before we can catch them all over the country.
Words by Scott Hastie
Tipped by Elena Jimenez from Popped Music
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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