The music industry is littered with examples of artists radically changing direction, swapping image and sound, as they develop and grow. From Dylan going electric, to Prince changing his name to a squiggle that time, musicians always seem open to explore new avenues and attempt to expand their audience.
While Eleanor Fletcher’s recent transformation from Crystal Fighters vocalist to solo artist may not be as epoch-making as Dylan plugging in a guitar, the shift in soundscape is certainly vast and incredibly intriguing.
‘One’ the first piece of music to be released as Kyiki, Fletcher’s new alter ego, hints towards a darker, more ethereal aesthetic. Soothing, self-produced synth ease the track in, backed by Fletcher’s hauntingly gorgeous vocals. The minimalist vibe created in the understated opening is shattered as stuttered electronic percussion explodes into life in the glorious chorus, joined by expansive bass lines.
Words by George Shaw
Tipped by Mark Bounds
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