Local Companies Support Charities
Three local business owners have teamed up to support charities with PR and social media marketing.
Alex Hill Jon Corbett and Laura Massey have collaborated to offer one charity per month a free social media, PR, and branding photography package as part of a strive for social responsibility in business.
The first charity they are assisting is the 18th Newcastle Scouts, in Heaton. They were lucky enough to be introduced to these fantastic people as Laura is a Scout Leader for the group.
Alex was actually a Brownie and Girl Guide back in the day, but completely forgot about her experience until this opportunity came up. She believes it’s a shame that the likes of the Scouts and Guides have almost been forgotten about in today’s society – usually losing out to the world of video games and smartphones.
The trio’s mission for this month is to help the 18th Newcastle Scouts attract more amazing volunteers and leaders, and of course, more kids!
You can check them out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
They can’t wait to share with you their new projects and the amazing charities that they are supporting as part of this project. Keep your eyes peeled!
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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