In a world bursting at the seams with guitar-led alt-rock, the task of standing out from the pack can be an arduous one, and often futile. However, the latest from October Drift ‘Still Here’ is a brooding, LSD-inspired piece of dark guitar-led rock which offers something a little bit different. With a sinister and haunting atmosphere similar to the likes of The Editors, and a ferocity which is almost unmatchable, ‘Still Here’ is full-throttle from start to finish.
Talking about the inspiration behind the song, frontman Kiran Roy said: “Sometimes I come up with little scenarios in my head when I’m writing a song. This one came about after a guy I know (who probably shouldn’t be named) told me about the time he snuck a rucksack full of acid across a boarder in Europe. It was a completely mental story, but enough to put a strong image in my head that I could use as a starting point.”
The band certainly seem to put all of the intensity of the track into their live shows, with a music video raucous with bouncing rooms and sweaty fringes aplenty. After just completing a full UK tour, ahead for October Drift is a handful of festivals, including Liverpool Calling Festival on July 9th and Sheffield’s Tramlines festival on the 23rd of July.
Words by George Rowan
Tipped by Henry Carden, Nicholas Burman, Joe Schiavon and Pete at Folded Wing
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