I’m always hearing the phrase “It all starts with a song,” with regard to music business, and while I agree, it can often come across sounding a bit fairytale and pretentious. However, promising up-and-coming vocalist Rainy Milo proves that this certainly is the case, with her brilliant debut single ‘Bout You.’
Not happy with accepting the conformist lifestyle of her friends, budding songstress Rainy Milo made the decision that she wanted to surround herself with exciting and inspirational people. Whilst searching online for instrumentals that she could sing over, she came across a jazzy hip-hop inspired beat by producer BLCK RSSN; and ‘Bout You’ was born!
Having since been picked up for the track by Giles Peterson, who used it for his ‘Brownswood Wobblers’ compilation series, Milo began to find herself attracting the interest of a number of record labels, and where most would dive straight in, the level-headed singer opted to hold out, feeling that it was too soon, and began to work on her excellent self-released solo EP ‘Limey’ which is available for free download and features the input of producers such as Oddisee, Chet Faker and Cole MGN. With a lot more interest now surrounding the work of the South Londoner’s work, I can’t wait to see what steps she takes next in moving her career forward…
Words by Grant Brydon
Tip courtesy of Wayne C. McDonald
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