Scottish duo, Smash Williams, finds the delicate space between soothing and soul-crushing, and fits right in there. The debut track “A Splash of Colour” is a fusion of lyrics that have a tinge of the national and dreamy, echo-laden guitars that reflect the surreal moment of falling in love- a sentiment that this song captures expertly.
The insistent build up towards the end of the tune echoes on: “Pick each other up. We’ll pick each other up.” And that’s exactly what the build up does, before carrying off into the distance. It’s true there’s not really a dramatic crescendo moment, but some things are better left hanging like that, and a breakdown would have too much weight in a tune that just wants to live up in the clouds.
Words by Maggie McBride
Tip by Neil Wilson from Scottish Fiction
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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