The internet, for all its wonders, can often try and lead you down a garden path or two. For example, trying to find more information about Haggerston based quartet Telegram. proved to be quite tricky. After a good 15 minutes of unnamed web based search providering, I was no closer to learning any more information about the newly formed four piece. By this point, I was, however, well versed in who they aren’t.
Telegram., then, aren’t the Atlanta based Telegram trio, neither are they LA’s shimmering pop act Telegram. Now we know who they aren’t, the important question is what Telegram. sound like.
Telegram only formed last year and just made their live debut in April, so it’s kind of impressive they’ve already earned themselves a session on Marc Riley’s 6 Music show, where they showcased a number of tracks, including the sprawling psyche rock of There Is Nothing.
Clocking in at just over 6 minutes long, ‘There Is Nothing’ pretty much demands your attention from the off. It crashes in with smashing drums, explosive guitar, then switches to a more psychedelic feel, as front man Matt Saunders vocals sweep from punchy to dreamy before it all descends into a glorious mess of thudding drums and soaring guitars.
With Telegram only having played a handful of gigs in their short lifespan, now would be the perfect opportunity to catch a promising band in their infancy. Providing you get the right Telegram.
Words by George Shaw
Tipped by Linn Branson from Little Indie Blogs
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