At #4 we recognize the meteoric rise of The Big Moon!
The Tipping Point’s eager ears were first turned on to London’s The Big Moon a mere two months ago. Their hypnotic blend of psychedelic-fuzzy-pop-rock, however, has made an almighty lasting impression. In little over a year, what began as an outlet for frontwoman Juliette Jackson’s song-writing urges, has rapidly morphed into one heck of a four-headed, guitar-wielding, hype-building beast.
Inspired by the frantic and fiery shows of Palma Violets and Fat White Family, Jackson began working on songs … writing for herself. It wasn’t until she was united with future band mates Soph, Celia and Fern and they began rehearsing in a tiny room in the capital that these songs really started to take shape.
Take for example recent single ‘The Road‘, where they delicately weave slick production, with tangled, throbbing guitars and creeping melodies to create a memorable slab of aching and ghoulish garage pop.
Then there’s the swaggering dark-pop of debut single ‘Sucker‘. Barging in with its grunge drenched guitars, ‘Sucker‘ is an ode to lovesickness that greets you like a punch in the gut from an ex-lover. “I never thought that you would become my greatest friend” Jackson declares before the track descends into its beautifully bittersweet Los Campesinos! meets Elastica crescendo.
Meanwhile, breakout track ‘Eureka Moment‘ rattles and bubbles with an effervescent and exuberant energy, flirting and fighting between thrashing chords, tight melodies and guttural howls – like The Long Blondes scrapping with Arctic Monkeys round the back of the Boardwalk one cold Sheffield winter night, with some PJ Harvey thrown in for good measure.
With a debut album due out next year and a reputation for a frantic live show built around a wave of hype and backed by support slots with the likes of The Vaccines and Palma Violets, 2016 is set to be a big year for The Big Moon.
Words by George Shaw and Tip by Charlotte Holroyd from Bitter Sweet Symphonies
The Big Moon were originally featured on October 13th with words from Lewis Lloyd-Kinnings
View the full TOTT2015 longlist, playlist and countdown HERE
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