Today’s tip is a slice of dark downtempo electronica by the mysterious Tundra. The eponymous ‘Alice’ must be quite some girl, as she’s inspired some mighty beats, gale-force ambience and wearily processed vocals. There’s a bittersweet touch here: hidden underneath the production bravado is the resigned calmness of the confessional – “too tired to make you cry” indeed.
Given the big beats and bass that hints at dubstep levels of impact, Alice is surprisingly guitarry – a variety of spage-age plucks, spidery lead lines and downtuned riffing make their appearances as the track moves to its surprisingly sunny concluding movement. There’s no doubt the whole is the product of one man’s late nights in his bedroom – the only way, really, to write a song about a significant other. And if heartbreak sounds as good as this, bring it on.
Words by Martin Sharman
Tipped by Ben Ryder-Smith
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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