You might have already come across Black Honey – they’re the darlings of various indie blogs, have popped up on numerous radio stations and have just got back from a sold-out tour – but if you haven’t heard them yet then you should probably get acquainted.
They come from the Brighton scene that seems to be spewing out exciting bands at a rate of knots and while they’re not alone in the ‘ballsy female vocals over shoegazey guitar’ category right now they do it very well and look set for big things.
Their new single ‘Hello Today’ is one of those songs that sounds strangely familiar, like it was playing in one of your dreams or something; perhaps it was one of the tracks that came on when you booted up Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 back in the day. Its sun-drenched, scuzzy guitars transport you back to a time when life just seemed a little easier, and that’s always a good thing.
Words by Tom Worley
Tipped by Jim Cambo from Alternative Friday and Fresh On The Net
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