Electronic music in 2015 has often been meshed into a lot of mainstream pop and EDM or, at the opposite side of the spectrum, resulted in 8 minute long minimal club bangers. Today, in the form of Border Scout, we bring you something electronic but it’s less of the fore-mentioned and more of a mellow trip through a sorrowful soundscape, built on piano and a tender vocal from guest feature Stoney.
The duo have crafted a track which does sound like it could be the accompaniment to a ‘deep in thought’ scene in a film. There’s definitely flickers of huge empty landscapes in the sound and echoes of vast emptiness.
Austin singer Stoney adds to this, as his tender voice sounds like a shadow or a ghost, present but soft in the mix. It’s the grand piano which is the pillar of the structure of the track and with added strings and a distant march, it all comes together in a wonderful mix.
Border Scout have released their album The Nature Of Things so make sure you pick it up if you like the moods and feelings created by their encapsulating sound.
Words by Scott Hastie
Tipped by Big Jim Cambo from Fresh On The Net
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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