Always read the fine print. That’s what they tell you. Hark! Buyer beware! You never know what tricky terms and crafty conditions may have been hidden amongst the reams and reams of microscopic prose. Traversing that thorny text, however, can sometimes be a real challenge and very rarely rewarding. Yes, watch out for the fine print.
Two people who no doubt appreciate the difficulties that lie within are East London duo, Fine Print. For there’s wonders hidden amongst the challenging waves of electro goodness that make up their latest track ‘Can’t Lie.’
It opens with blissful staccato notes, hinting that we’re in for yet another slice of tropical-pop. Suddenly it shifts, sparse beats kick in, accompanied by delicate falsetto vocals and down-tempo funk bass. A beautifully layered sound slowly begins to develop, as other elements are pulled in and gently allowed to slip away, horns flutter sweetly against the radiant riff.
Eventually it subtly washes over you – close your eyes and you can picture yourself abound by the luminous rays of a gorgeous sunkissed Sunday morning.
The duo have been building a nice following, gaining some pretty influential friends since dropping a couple of demos on their Soundcloud page late last year. So far they’ve garnered support from the likes of Zane Lowe and Radio 1’s Annie Mac, the former spinning previous track ‘About You’ on his beats1 show.
Words by George Shaw
Tipped by Matty Aston
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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