Late last year we tipped Croydon fuzzy rock duo Frauds and with new music on the horizon alongside support dates with Jamie Lenman, we caught up with the band to find out what’s next.
1. Firstly, for those who are unfamiliar with your work, how would you describe your sound?
Simple and spazzy thick heavy fun.
2.We featured you on The Tipping Point a while back, what have you been up to since?
We’ve recorded a bunch of songs and been gigging around. On top of that we’ve started a night of live music in our hometown Croydon which happens once a month.
3.In terms of your career so far, how long have you been writing and performing as an artist?
We’ve been writing and performing together as Frauds for about 4 years now. Before that we were in a four-piece band from 2004. I’m surprised we’re not sick of each other yet.
4.Would you say you prefer recording in the studio or playing live?
Live, live, live and live. I get withdrawal symptoms if I go a few weeks without making some excessively loud, dirty sounds in public. Like a flasher, its the one thing I’m compelled to do.
5.What is the most difficult challenge for you in the music industry?
Nothing. As long as I’m fit enough to lug equipment around and play it’s all good. The reward is in the doing and I’m fine with anything outside that.
6.What is your biggest musical achievement to date?
In January we supported Future of the Left in Cardiff. We’ve been big fans of them for a long time and got to do some backing vocals on one of their songs. It was lovely.
7.Are you scheduled for any festivals this summer?
At the moment we’re doing Camden Rocks in June. Hopefully we’ll be confirmed for some more soon.
8.Do you have any new material due for release soon?
We have our first album recorded. The release date is still TBC and we’ll have a single out as soon as the video is finished.
9.Do you have any industry related advice for emerging artists?
Write and play because you love it – don’t expect anything else. Support live music and meet like minded people.
10.What’s the best way for people to get in contact with you/keep up to date with the latest goings on?
Facebook. We update our page with all Frauds related going ons.
11.What is your one major ambition for your career in music?
To never loose the hard on that writing new stuff gives me.
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