‘Only Time Will Tell’, an enigmatic slice of indie-pop that draws you in with its bassy synths and hypnotic guitar hooks, which sounds blissful while walking down the street on a sunny summers day, is the third single released by whitechapel-based collective Glitches, a band to watch out for in 2014. I say this because they have enjoyed great success so far including praise from BBC Radio 1’s Huw Stephens, sold out shows across the year–including their single launch- and are set to play various festivals across the summer including Germany’s Reeperbahn festival.
‘Only Time Will Tell’ is a captivating record, which smoothly seeps into your ears thanks to its sleek production, effortless feel and cinematic quality. It starts off with an atmospheric opening of soft glistening chords and a hefty back beat of steady drumming, and then ignites into a spellbinding concoction of irresistible melodies and a mish mash of edgy sythns and funky electric guitar.
This organic sounding single is emotionally charged from the lead singers pleading vocals to its swooping sonic synths. However don’t fret, it won’t leave you feeling blue for thanks to it’s catchy rock hooks and addictive bassy groove, it’s a joy to listen to.
Words by Ruth Edmundson
Tipped by Dave Maul from Monkeysuit Music
Coronation House, 65 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DE
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