Graceland released their first ever official single in 2016’s final month and it marks a great end to the year; and a promising start for the foursome. The four sisters, who hail from Norwich, label themselves as a pop group, but their style crosses borders of rock, stoner rock and jazz.
‘Fleetwood’s bass line will instantly pull you in while the cerebral guitar sets the scene for a surreal musical journey. The track’s main sound seems to be a heavy one, brilliantly contrasted by the softer female voice. ‘Fleetwood’ can sometimes even feel like a slightly creepy song, with its slow and marauding rhythm.
Luckily, Graceland manage to perfectly balance their influences and come out sounding more like a MGMT/Ting Tings lovechild. This exciting mixture of influences and styles is always at risk of sounding messy, but it feels like a much more “rough-around-the-edges” track rather than an untidy one. This, of course, is meant in the best possible way.
‘Fleetwood’ has that feeling of a raw talent letting loose in the studio. Think Oasis’ “Definitely Maybe”; Arctic Monkeys’ “Whatever People Say I Am…” or Slaves’ “Are You Satisfied?”. The common theme is a feeling of raw talent: slightly untidy, untamed and intangible. A very exciting prospect from Stephen Fry’s homeland.
Words by Ben Bowes
Tipped by Chris Bye
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